Biography – Anna Rosa Pelayo Velasco (Amaitée):
Amaitée’s recently held an art exhibition at La Fe Hotel and Arts in June, 2017. Born in Guadalajara Jalisco, March 30, 1960. Graduated from the School of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, UAG (1978-1982). She taught at the UAG School of Architecture for 5 years in the areas of analytical and descriptive geometry workshop, architectural design workshop, history of architecture, art history and more.
Anna trained in sculpture with Master Carmen Avalos from 2009 to 2013, in encaustic with Maestro Ignacio Osuna, and in engraving with Maestro Gualberto Soto. She attended to Exágon, a creative capacity development workshop with Master Toni Guerra in 2013. She has a degree in Appreciation of Visual Arts at La Caja Galería Guadalajara (2014- 2015).
Architect by training, sculptor by passion. Restless and curious, she is a finder of answers that have taken her along different paths, amplifying herself in complementary themes that give meaning to her life and take her along the path of self-knowledge and inner life. A student of what one feels and does not see, she has been traveling for years on the path of meditation and different disciplines to contact and interpret the inner world. An avid reader of psychology topics. Themes in which she deepens to find the path of inner self-knowledge. She has participated in various collective and individual exhibitions as well as in auctions.
To learn more about Amaitée’s artwork, you can follow her on .